Our clients are international entrepreneurs and small, family companies which are just entering the market. We are not afraid of running processes and disputes. Criminal case, administrative proceeding, complicated debt collection? At Kolmers Legal, we like such challenges. We create contract standards, conduct investment negotiations, and protect intellectual property. We create ownership structures and combine companies and – when necessary – we also liquidate them. And to make our offer truly comprehensive, we also enriched it with restructuring consultancy.
Kolmers Legal
Practice areas
Our main specialisations
Legal services
We provide comprehensive and effective legal solutions
We offer professional advice, high substantive level of services provided, involvement in conducted cases and searching for unconventional solutions.
Legal services for entrepreneurs
Kolmers Legal provides services in the field of broadly understood service for entrepreneurs. We offer clear solutions to complex problems, taking into account both the legal and business aspects of the business.
Individual customer service
We believe that a good lawyer should not only be effective, but also demonstrate an understanding of the client’s needs. Kolmers provides quick and comprehensive legal assistance to individuals in solving their private affairs.

Selected industries
DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS? CALL US!Kolmers Legal supports entrepreneurs from many industries. Over the years, some of them have got to know better, because with selected sectors we are simply more likely to deal.
We offer comprehensive services for companies operating in the field of new technologies, in particular IT and the TMT sector. We also provide legal assistance in the preparation and implementation of projects using modern solutions, mobile applications and the Internet. We offer support in the implementation of technologically complex IT projects and full legal services for companies operating in the innovation sector.
Świadczymy usługi doradcze zarówno klientom korporacyjnym, jak również małym i średnim przedsiębiorstwom z sektora FMCG i handlowego. Wspieramy w działalności operacyjnej, doradzamy przy transakcjach, reprezentujemy w negocjacjach oraz sporach z aktualnymi i byłymi kontrahentami.
We work for companies from the industrial sector and the construction industry in numerous legal areas. We advise on development, investment, administrative law, contracts and public procurement, transformations, mergers and acquisitions as well as restructuring processes.
We advise manufacturers and distributors, among others in the field of broadly understood competition law and regulations regarding the abuse of dominant position. We represent in proceedings before public administration authorities and in disputes before civil and commercial courts.
Experience in working with banks, financial institutions and capital markets allows us to provide support, among others in the area of servicing and securing transactions, in legal matters related to compliance, restructuring services as well as in matters of debt collection, negotiations and securing of debts.
We advise at every stage – from the beginning of the investment phase, through due diligence, purchase transaction, development phase, management, to the potential sales phase. We prepare the investment strategy, we negotiate all contracts, we register changes in land and mortgage registers, including the establishment or abolition of a mortgage, we conduct disputes.